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Connector Tips: Get Informed!


I wanted to share a few tips on how helpful it can be when you inform yourself regarding the events you attend, the people you meet - and even getting better informed about the people already in your network, and the clients you're working with.

When you are well-informed, you improve your chances of achieving success and positive results.

Here are a few tips that I hope you find helpful:

• Before you attend an event, do some light research to learn about the people or organization producing the event. This will help you carry intelligent conversation with others you meet at the event, and goes a long way when establishing a relationship with the people behind the event. It also helps to define your purpose for being there. There's nothing worse than attending an event just because you think it's worth it, only to get there to find out you wasted your time and your gas! Get informed! • Before you attend an event, do a little research to find out which influencers will be there that you need to meet. Then, do some additional research to learn more about them so that you can carry an intelligent conversation when meeting them. This will help you network smart, and with confidence. Also, people will notice and appreciate that you've done your homework - and they'll take you seriously because you took them seriously.

• Once you get connected with someone, it is important to take your research to the next level. Knowing a few highlights about them for introductory purposes is one thing, but being in relationship with them calls for you to level-up your research. Learn more about their journey to get to where they are - this will help you connect with them on a personal level, if they allow it. Learn about the causes or charities they are involved with or passionate about - this will give you an idea of their character, and help you build with outside of just business. Learn what business they have been involved with in the past, are involved with now, and the ones they are interested in - this will help you get a detailed overview of their professional story, which can help you find what you have in common with this person, and how you can both be of resource to each other.


• Before you start a new project or business venture, learn as much as you can about the industry. In entertainment, trends change quickly, especially with style and technology. Learn about the new trends, and stay current with them. Also, learn about past trends, too...because there's always a hint of the old inside of the new, and past trends usually come full circle. Knowing the old, and learning the new will help you remain competitive. Arm yourself with information because the more you know, the better your chances of success.

• Know your competition. Research similar business that have succeeded, and those that have failed - then, figure out the differences between the successes and the failures. Once you've done that, take your business model and adjust accordingly to give yourself the highest potential for success.


• Before you take on a new client, do your research! Make sure that this client's brand is aligned with your company brand. When you take on a client because they are popular or have a big budget, but you haven't done your behind-the-scenes due diligence to find out what they are really about, this can turn into a nightmare. It will get very confusing for you, your other clients, your investors and your audience when you are representing a client whose image conflicts with what you stand for. It's important to thoroughly vet new clients to be sure they are a good match.

• It's important to stay informed on your existing clients. Once you take on a client, stay connected with them and stay informed of their activities. You may be representing them in one specific area, but you can be more effective in that area if you are informed of their total activities. Knowing what else they are working on in other areas is a great way to develop synergies - creating more opportunities and revenue for you and your client.

These are just a few tips to give you a broader perspective when it comes to industry networking, getting started with a new idea or business venture, and being thorough with your clients. I hope you found these tips helpful. It's a pleasure to be of resource to you!


Simone Slaughter, The Entertainment Connector

The Entertainment Connector


Helping you GET CONNECTED!

© 2016 The Entertainment Connector, LLC


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